Friday, October 10, 2008

Fire That Calls

I am going through the book of Exodus, more specifically the life of Moses, each morning for my quiet time. God really spoke some clarity to me yesterday as I was reading through the first twelve verses of Exodus 3. Here are some thoughts that I hope will challenge you:

-Mt. Sinai also known as Mt. Horeb literally means "wasteland"
-At this place, just like any other, Moses met God.
-Moses was going about his regular routine...God used an ordinary bush, in ordinary dirt, on an ordinary mountain, during an ordinary day.
-How long had God been trying to get the attention of Moses? How long has God been trying to get your attention?
-God makes the first move, He gets our attention, but we have to respond.
-Many things today in our lives act as burning bushes, things which draw people to God. What burning bush is in front of you that God is trying to use to get your attention?
-Moses goes from Egyptian hot shot to a nothing shepherd and @ 80 years old finds himself at mountain "wasteland" in the desert...God had Moses right where He wanted him...broken, humbled, and open.
-It takes deserts in our lives to awaken us to our need for God.
-Moses took his first step toward the bush...the first step is usually the hardest.
-Moses was trying to go to God on his own terms...God said take of your are dirty, God wants us to rid ourselves of the dirt, we are standing on holy ground when we are before God in His presence.
-In verse 8, "God came down..." GOD HAS COME DOWN TO OUR LEVEL THROUGH JESUS!

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