Thursday, October 9, 2008

Are You Over It?

I was reading some comments from Steve Fee where he was sharing before the song “We Shine” and he said, “This song is for the ones who have been saved by God and aren’t quite over it yet!”. I love that statement. The fact that our salvation that Jesus brought about is not an old, boring, happened a while ago, faded type thing. It’s fresh and new each day.

I have met tons of Christians and been to a lot of churches throughout my life and I can say without a doubt that about 95% of follower of Jesus are over their salvation. They are living a dead and dull life with no excitement what so ever. I don’t want that to ever be me. After what was done on the cross, the worst thing and most cheapening thing that we can do with the love of God is except it, and then just “get over it”. Salvation is something I really don’t see how we can get over it. I mean seriously, think about it. The God of the universe, sent his one and only son who was perfect in every way to Earth, to take on the punishment I deserve for all my sin, to die a horrible unimaginable death, all so that I can have a relationship with that same God of the universe. How could I ever be over that? Are you over it?

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