Saturday, October 11, 2008

Recruiting the Jesus Way Part 1

Jesus gave us the ultimate example on how to recruit volunteers for our ministry. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus, in his relationship with His disciples paints a clear picture on what you and I should be doing in recruiting people for the team, and if you don't like the word recruit, then substitute it for "inviting" others to join the team. My next several posts will be dedicated to the model that Jesus gave us to challenge others to join the greatest team ever!!!

1.) Jesus made it a matter of prayer when selecting those to be on His team. He didn't have the mentality of "red rover, red rover send the disciple right over."

2.) Jesus knew the Word and was definitely someone you could look up to...isn't that how we should be?

3.) Jesus realized He needed help, so he poured into others.

4.) Jesus recruited in ones and twos. He was all about multiplication rather than addition.

5.)Jesus told the disciples what was in it for them, both the thrills and the spills.

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