Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Feel the Weight

"Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed."                                                                                                                                                  -James 5:17

We are currently in a series dealing with heart change and I can honestly say that I have felt the weight of  this series probably more than any other topic we have discussed with our students.  A couple of night's ago, I had this awakening as to where I was in my life when it came to be transparent and the fear I have so many times of being transparent before the very group I challenge every week to be real and transparent.  There is this scary stereotype that we as pastors have it all together, figured out, and don't struggle...we all know that's not the case, we are humans born with sinful hearts and weak flesh and the only thing good that comes out of us is the overflow of God's mercy and love.  So, I felt the weight of the fear that many students feel when they walk into our church every week, scared to expose who they are past the fronts and masks, because of the judgement and rejection that may follow from their peers.  I certainly know if I feel that fear or apprehension, then the students in our ministry probably feel it on a grander scale.  Yesterday, I had one of the most freeing conversations with my wife and we sat for about an hour and just talked openly about our hearts, our inner-most struggles and suddenly James 5:17 became so real and alive in that very room.  How can I begin to ask students to go to one another with their struggles if I don't lead first in that area with my own life?  

I seriously believe that one of the largest things that stifles growth in our ministries, not necessarily numerical growth, is the environments we create for students to walk into.  Are we intentionally, or unintentionally setting up barriers that scream "only perfect people allowed," or are we receiving students with open arms and being so very intentional to create a place where students can come just as they are, baggage and all. Imagine a place where students were in love with God's word and were so real and open that they didn't feel this judgement in our church but felt the freedom to be transparent and real with another, and true healing began to take place in their life.  For some, this may sound like a fairy tale wonderland, but I honestly believe in my heart that this is a real door that must be open if we are going to see students take their next steps in their journey with Christ.  As a leader, I want to challenge you as leaders, don't carry the weight of your struggles alone, find that person(s) that you can be real with, that person who loves you unconditionally and doesn't judge you by past mistakes or current struggles.  This is so vital for us to get and the freedom that stems from living out James 5:17 is priceless.

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