"We've never done it that way before!"
"We've always done it this way."
"Why does it need to be changed?"
Sound familiar? The familiar is comfortable. In Numbers 20, Moses dealt with this issue of accepting change. God instructed him to speak to the rock and the water would flow. The Israelites were thirsty and complaining. Instead, Moses did what he had done in the past when he was in similar situations---he struck the rock with his staff. Even though he had direct orders from God, is actions communicated, "We've never done it that way before. I've struck the rock in the past, and I was successful I don't want to try getting water in a new way." His disobedience had sever consequences. He didn't get to lead the people into the land God was giving them.
The people who typically resist change are the ones most deeply rooted in the past, those who believe there's only one way to get water. They'd rather disobey than try a new way. But, if hearts are right, these people can be more easily moved toward accepting change than people with impure or hardened hearts. Our growth in our relationship with Jesus corresponds with a willingness to accept change; even though we would love to repeat the familiar, a right heart is open to change.
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