After a particular event in our ministry what do we want the students in our ministry to do? Where do we want them to go? The events in our ministry should serve as on-ramps to a person's next step toward Christ or with Christ, if they don't serve as on-ramps then they are cul-de-sacs and the result is no forward movement. To determine the nature (on-ramp or cul-de-sac) of our events we gotta ask some tough questions:
1.) Why does our ministry exist? What is our purpose?
2.) Do the programs or events in our ministry point towards our purpose or are we aimlessly doing events for the sake of tradition or to fill a calendar?
3.) What environments are we offering for students to take their next steps toward Christ and with Christ? On the flipside, what environments do we lack?
4.) Are we strategic and intentional about seeing students become fully devoted followers of Christ? What does that look like?

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