Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Heap

I'm sure we all have stuff in our life that we have started and never finished.  Maybe it's college, or a project, or maybe a book you either started to read or maybe even write.  We start with great intentions of finishing but for whatever reason "it" winds up in a pile, or a heap.  Think about the great heap of things you have always wanted to do but never did.  Everyone has a heap. Between the birthing and fulfillment of an idea or vision, are powerful forces that seek to prevent it from ever materializing, in other words between the promise and payoff is the grueling process. More often than not our dream gets tossed in the heap of things we have always wanted to do but never did.  Maybe God is calling you and I to walk through the scrap yard and revisit the vision.  That vision can be recaptured only if we can identify, understand, and undo what stopped it the first time.  What are some things in your heap that God has laid on your heart to revisit?

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