Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Plant the Seed

"Listen! Behold, a sower went out to sow..." -Mark 4:3

Who is the sower in this parable? That's you and me as leaders. There are some huge principles that come from this parable in Mark 4 that I believe God would have us see. As bearer's of God's Word, as people of influence, we never need to lose sight of the weight and urgency of our role as sowers. I know there are times that we feel that we are planting seeds on stone filled, dry hearts but be encouraged and don't lose hope. As you plant seeds into the lives around you, remember:

1.) A lot of seed must be scattered to produce a crop.

2.) Not all soils produce, but we cannot and will not reap if we don't sow.

3.) We must continue sowing, because one day we will reap a harvest. (You may not see that harvest in its fullness here and now, but keep sowing, remember God's in the business of changing hearts)

4.) The soil that produces will multiply; we will reap more than we ever sowed.

5.) We must believe in the seed we sow, knowing that some will produce fruit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our job is to sow..God will take care of the reaping =] This was good.