Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Service Map

We are in the process of gearing up for our upcoming AMP*D service and with that comes a lot of planning, prayer and teamwork. We are becoming more intentional as a team to ensure our services flow and point to the big idea of the message, meaning that each element in our service points to the big idea of the series...from the music, to videos, to songs...we work to make sure the message, the big idea, is communicated clearly and that all of the elements point students to one direction so they can process and digest it once they leave. After time is spent on Thursdays planning for upcoming series and the next two weeks of a current series we place what we call "service elements" onto a "service map" which literally is the go to reference during our pre-AMP*D production run-thru and during AMP*D on Wednesday nights. I thought I would take a moment to share with you what our service maps look like and consist of. We currently produce these in here to view a sample.

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