Monday, November 10, 2008

Challenge to Influence...

Jesus captured the imagination and hearts of his followers by calling them to great acts of faith. "You give them something to eat," he told the disciples when they were wondering if it wasn't time to send the large crowds away so they could grab some grub (Mark 6:37). He invited Peter to join him for a stroll on the water (Matthew 14:29). Zacchaeus responded to Jesus' wild challenge to radically alter his lifestyle when announced his new wealth distribution plan at dinner (Luke 19:8). Time after time in the Gospels, you see Jesus stretch his followers continually, challenging them to become what they never had dreamed possible.

As student ministry leaders we should never lose sight of the importance of challenging students to do more or to do better. If we have a clear picture of what students can become in Christ; if they know we care about them and trust us; and if we're close enough to understand what they need most in their next step of growth; it's wrong for us NOT to see to influence them and challenge them. My challenge to us all is that we stay alert to the transformation that is happening in the lives of the students around us, so we can challenge them to greater depths.

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