Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What's Your Pharaoh?

So I was reading Exodus 3:13-22 and God is rocking my world as I continue to study the life of Moses.  Moses at this point is doubting he has what it takes to accomplish what God had called him to do.  One thing that jumped out to me is that it wasn't Moses' qualifications but it was all about God's presence.  Big vision requires big risks.  God's vision was to see His people set free and was calling Moses to step out and take big risks.

There are many Pharaohs in our world, each positing a reality that is and always will be, at least within the span of our lifetime.  Pharaohs come in many shapes and sizes, from institutions (even Christian ones) to governments to employers to individuals to corporations, to sickness, disease, and death, etc.  All Pharaohs have two things in common.  First, as noted, they all posit a reality that simply is and will always be.  The United States is and will always be the determining nation in the world.  Because of the current economy, the world is over as we know it.  You get the picture. 

The other thing all Pharaohs have in common is absolutely crucial to remember: they are no match for the "I am" of God.  All Pharaohs have a day coming in which they will no longer be.  Their worlds are real but not ultimate!  God, embodied and revealed in the exodus and most fully in Jesus, is, was, and will be.  God cannot be squeezed, managed, or hemmed in, even by Pharaoh death.  Pharaohs pass.  God crumbles their worlds and brings them to pass!

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