Monday, October 27, 2008


6.) Being "Others Oriented":  It's important to put others first.  Live to give and care more for the comfort of another than for the comfort of yourself.

7.) Communicating Care:  It's important that we care for our students and each other.  People don't care what you know until they know how much you care.

8.) Follow Through:  It's important to be faithful to your commitments to students, leaders, and this ministry.

9.) Spiritual Growth:  It's important to continually and actively growing closer to Jesus.  We cannot lead a student to a place of faith if we have never been there ourselves.

10.) Prayer:  It's important to pray for our students, each other, our church, and this ministry.

11.) Living Invitationally:  If we don't ask, we will never have a response.  We need to be asking our students to take the next step in their spiritual journey, and we need to be asking other adults to come alongside us and serve on this great leadership team.

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