Friday, October 31, 2008

HNL Praying

Recently I have been reading a book that is challenging me to get more serious about my prayer life. Don’t misunderstand, I never stopped praying to God, but I must admit that the quality of my communication with Him leaves lots of room for improvement. I really want to get serious about prayer.

Prayer is a great resource and a wonderful privilege that we just don’t take advantage  of as we should. It is something we should want to utilize to the fullest. I’m not talking about praying more often or longer, although I’m sure that will be part of it. What I am talking about is connecting with God on a much more regular and deeper level than I have been. When things are going well in my walk with God, my prayer life is great, but when my walk with the Lord struggles, so does my prayer life. I’m not sure which causes the other – I think they both leap frog along together and are dependent on each other.

What do I need to do to get serious about my prayer life? I’ve been more serious about focusing when I pray, pouring out my heart more sincerely, keeping lists of people I said I’d pray for, listening to God’s still, quiet voice speaking to me, and desiring to deepen my personal relationship with Him. It takes focus, it takes time, it means having my priorities right, and it demands honesty and openness in my time with Him, but it certainly is worth it. I really do want to get serious about my prayer life. What about you?

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